exercise example sentences

Related (8): workout, training, aerobics, fitness, running, stretching, endurance, yoga

" exercise" Example Sentences

1. I exercised for 30 minutes on the elliptical machine this morning.
2. The trainer designed a full body workout exercise for his clients.
3. The physical education teacher had the students exercise outside on the track.
4. The personal trainer gave me a core strengthening exercise using a resistance band.
5. Exercise helps reduce stress and improves mood.
6. The elementary school children had an energetic dance exercise during recess.
7. The physical therapist prescribed stretching and strength exercises for my sore back.
8. She exercised her right to vote in the election.
9. The military personnel exercised formation drills during training camp.
10. The fitness instructor led the exercise class in jumping jacks to warmup.
11. The child's doctor recommended more physical exercise for a healthy weight.
12. The yoga instructor demonstrated a series of balancing exercises.
13. I exercise my dog daily with walks through the neighborhood park.
14. The students exercised proper lab safety and wore protective eyewear.
15. The physical therapist gave the patient mobilizing exercises for his stiff shoulder.
16. The municipal bonds allowed me to exercise long-term investments.
17. The coach had the team exercise to build strength and endurance.
18. Doing crossword puzzles helps exercise your brain.
19. The patient faithfully did her breath and muscle strengthening exercises as prescribed by the therapist.
20. The nutritionist recommended eating smaller meals throughout the day to exercise stable blood sugar control.
21. My attorney suggested we exercise a clause in the contract to extend the deadline.
22. The professor gave the class an exercise to practice using proper citations.
23. The prison inmates were allowed to exercise outdoors for one hour a day.
24. The doctor wants me to exercise more often to lower my blood pressure.
25. The actor exercised facial expressions in front of the mirror to prepare for an emotional scene.
26. Daily exercise helps strengthen heart and lung function.
27. I did free weight exercises with barbells and dumbbells during my workout.
28. Before surgery, the patient was told to exercise and strengthen certain muscles.
29. The dentist had me exercise my jaw to loosen tension and reduce grinding.
30. I exercised my right to vote by mailing in my absentee ballot.
31. Students exercised care when handling lab equipment to avoid injury.
32. The retired couple exercised their dogs every morning on a long walk.
33. The personal trainer designed a muscle-building exercise circuit for his muscular client.
34. The coach had the injured players exercise the injured ankle through a full range of motion.
35. Regular exercise promotes good circulation and joint mobility.
36. The physical therapist gave the elderly patient balance and flexibility exercises.
37. The chiropractor prescribed neck stretches as part of an exercise program.
38. The reporter exercised his First Amendment rights and published the controversial news story.
39. Sit ups and pushups are popular core strengthening exercises.
40. The children laughed and giggled as they exercised with dance videos.
41. Pilates exercises help tone muscles and improve posture.
42. The parent exercised patience as the toddler learned to ride a tricycle.
43. The expectant mother exercised daily to maintain her health during pregnancy.
44. The teacher had the class exercise careful use of punctuation in their writing assignments.
45. The endurance athlete exercised regularly to prepare for marathons.
46. The teacher made the students exercise proper spelling on their quizzes.
47. The team captain exercised leadership and motivated the players during practice.
48. Walking is a great low-impact exercise for people of all ages.
49. I do strength training exercises with weights at the gym three times a week.
50. The prisoner exercised in the prison yard for an hour each afternoon.
51. The actor exercised his voice by repeating tongue twisters.
52. The nurse practitioner had the patient exercise their injured ankle before removing the walking boot.
53. The patient faithfully did their physical therapy exercises at home between appointments.
54. Aerobic exercises like swimming and jogging help improve cardiovascular fitness.
55. The sergeant exercised the new military recruits through strength training and obstacle courses.
56. The writer exercised creativity by experimenting with poetry.
57. The doctor recommended that I exercise moderation when consuming sugar and carbs.
58. The law student exercised care when citing sources to avoid plagiarism.
59. The colonel exercised strict command and discipline over his troops.
60. I exercised my right to free speech and protested the government policy.

Common Phases

1. I exercise every day to stay fit and healthy.
2. Let's go for a jog, it'll be a good exercise.
3. She exercises regularly by walking or jogging along the riverbank.
4. I completed my daily exercise routine of 30 push-ups and 30 sit-ups this morning.
5. Yoga and Pilates exercises help improve flexibility and balance.
6. Strength training exercises like weightlifting build muscle and bone density.
7. Cardiovascular exercises improve heart health and lung capacity.
8. Aerobic exercises raise your heart rate and burn more calories.
9. She exercised her right to vote in the election.
10. Children need to exercise their developing muscles and motor skills.
11. The teacher gave the students math exercises to practice.
12. We did grammar exercises from the textbook.
13. He did not exercise enough care when handling the fragile antique vase.
14. The athlete needs to exercise restraint and avoid confrontations.
15. The report contained valuable exercises in critical thinking.
16. He exercised patience with the difficult student.
17. The new puppy needs plenty of opportunities to exercise and burn energy.
18. The general chose to exercise his military authority to end the conflict.
19. The witness exercised her right against self-incrimination.
20. The doctor recommended regular exercise to relieve his back pain.
21. The physical therapy exercises were designed to improve my mobility.
22. Muscle strains heal faster with light exercise.
23. Exercise can help reduce symptoms of depression.
24. Military exercises were conducted to test combat readiness.
25. We need to exercise our democratic rights to have a say in government policies.
26. The class did stretches and warm-up exercises before practice began.
27. The treadmill gives me an easy way to exercise indoors.
28. I did the breathing exercises prescribed by my doctor.
29. The debate was a good exercise in thinking critically.
30. The band regularly practices and exercises together.
31. The student exercised extreme caution while conducting the experiment.
32. Her powerful voice exercises great influence over public opinion.
33. The tail wags exercises a strong influence over the dog.
34. The teacher exercised authority over her unruly students.
35. Lawmakers are elected to exercise legislative power.
36. Dictators exercise absolute power over their citizens.
37. Politicians exercise their political will through laws and policies.
38. The coach exercised his right to bench an uncooperative player.
39. Judges exercise judicial discretion in deciding cases.
40. Parents need to exercise supervision over their young children.
41. She exercised good judgment in choosing that career path.
42. Doctors need to exercise best medical practices for patient care.
43. The students were required to exercise critical thinking skills on the exam.
44. The teacher's primary goal was to exercise her students' minds.
45. We exercised all legal options to resolve the dispute.
46. The treatment helps exercise your memories of places and people.
47. The report serves as an exercise in information gathering.
48. I need to exercise my forearms more to balance out my upper body strength training.
49. Parents should exercise patience with their temperamental toddler.
50. He exercises power and influence in subtle ways.
51. She exercises enormous self-control over her emotions.
52. We need to exercise better self-discipline in our work habits.
53. Strength training exercises help build bone density and muscle mass.
54. The math problems were designed mainly as exercises in calculation skills.
55. The professor sought to exercise his students' cognitive abilities.
56. The physical therapist gave me stretching exercises to improve my flexibility.
57. I exercised my right to remain silent during the police interrogation.
58. The athletes exercised rigorous discipline in their training regimen.
59. The military exercises tested the army's offensive capabilities.
60. Light exercises on a stationary bike can help you recover from surgery.

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